You may have noticed a chance on our homepage. No longer are we teasing you with a message, flashy graphics, or promises of things to come (ok well, maybe not the last one).
If you visit right now, you now have the ability to ask and answer questions, vote questions and answers up and down, and earn badges and points.
Ask & Answer
Our core product has always been about asking a question and getting you an answer quickly. My mission as founder of this company has been to provide an easy, fun way to accomplish this. I believe this latest beta release is getting us one step closer. It may look like lots of other Q&A systems out there, but I promise you that there is more to it (admittedly, the design could use work, interested?). We have experts standing by to answer your questions, and we are slowly building a huge knowledge base of sports data and statistics. We are ready to take your questions. Challenge us, Ask us. Try it NOW!
Badges and Points
You will get a point for every question you ask, and every answer you provide. There are other ways to earn points which we will be releasing in the future. The badge features are truly a test run to determine if we can make them work in conjunction with points. As always, we greatly appreciate any and all feedback.
The voting features will allow you to tell our experts which questions are most important. This will also help provide stories for the InStat Sports Blog, and provide a way for the most active users to earn points.
So there you have it, the first beta release of InStat Sports. There will be more changes as we figure out what works and what doesn’t, and we encourage you to share your experience with us. Try InStat Sports today!